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Girls have the ability and critical thinking skills to succeed in the fields of technology and engineering. This article explains who is Understand Technology Better Girls Or Boys? Technology has rapidly become an essential part of our everyday lives and as the industry is diversifying, more and more diverse demographics are finding their way into unique and developing job roles.
According to results from the 2014 Technology Engineering Literacy Assessment, a test designed to track students’ “technology and engineering literacy,” 45% of eighth-grade girls are proficient in tech skills, compared to 42% of boys.
Below Are the Best Skills for the Girl on Technology
Landing Page Creation
Girls are very good at landing page creation. The girl has a unique idea every time. If you want to create your website home page designing then you can assign this task to the girl. Because they will make it unique and colorful.
Outstanding Communication Skills
ALways most girl has Outstanding Communication Skills. Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important roles in the technology industry, regardless of whether you’re male or female. You may be talking face to face, through email, instant message or over the phone.
This is also extremely important when it comes to actually apply for the jobs in the first place, in the form of your resume. To create a high-quality and effective resume, check out Boomessays or State of Writing.
Girls are Ability to Network
As the old saying goes, it’s not what you know, most often it’s who you know, even more so when you’re in the technology industry. Being able to make contacts and connections with the right people will allow you to solve problems, address issues and stay up to date with the latest trends.
Girls have a Good Determination
The technology industry is so rapidly evolving and developing all the time that things can change quickly, sometimes even overnight, and you’ll need to be aware of these changes and embrace them.