Monday, December 2, 2019

How To Use Weekend To Attract Customers 2020


My tip today has ensured that I was able to significantly increase my visitor numbers in a blog on the weekend. What exactly I have done and why this can be useful for you, you will learn in the following. I also give a practical plugin tip for implementation.
Use the Weekend!
I have a bunch of blogs myself and know a lot more blogs from others. And one thing that strikes me again and again. Most do not blog on the weekend.
This is often understandable, because a blog does work and on the weekends you are usually free. But in many cases, this is a lost potential, because readers often have more time on weekends than during the week. In addition, you often have less competition at the weekend, because then many bloggers are not active.
All this means that you can gain some extra traffic on the weekend when you get active here.

What should you publish on the weekend?

That’s a good question that every blogger can answer for themselves. Because it depends very much on the own blog topic. For example, business topics are often not so popular at the weekend because many people do not want to (or do not want to) spend the weekend.
Other themes, like hobbies, free time, art, etc., are very popular on weekends, often even more than during the week. Finally, the target group is free and deals with their own hobbies and so on.
This is the case with my board game blog , for example , where I receive many calls at the weekend.
Therefore, the first step is to consider what would be fine for articles on Saturday or Sunday in your own blog. However, you should not plan and think too long here
Instead, the next step is simply to test how well certain items arrive. Testing is very important here to find out if you really reach more readers when you publish an article (or more).
That’s why I would recommend that you post an additional weekend article for a few weeks and see what impact this has on visitor numbers. If a positive effect is to be seen, then I would recommend in the second step to compare Saturday and Sunday and also to test different times for the article publication on the weekend.
In the statistics of your blog you will then over time see very well, when it is particularly worthwhile at the weekends to publish their own articles.

What to do if You do Not Have Time on Weekends?

As already written at the beginning, you often get free on Saturday and Sunday and then you do not really want to sit down at the computer and write articles.
But you do not have to. Finally, you can very well prescribe articles in WordPress and then have them published automatically at a certain time. I generally use this feature, not just on the weekends.
In addition, you should not neglect Facebook and Co. on the days off, but promote his weekend articles there. I’ve automated that with a few online tools, but it’s easier.
Plugins, such as Next Scripts: Social Networks Auto-Posters , which are once activated and configured to automatically publish each new article in the set social media profiles, are suitable for this .
The weekend is neglected by many bloggers, but offers some potential with more traffic in their own blog.
You should definitely test if the weekend is worth it for you.
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