Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Protect the Word Press Website 2020


Here I explain how you can protect WordPress and protect against hacker attacks. And in such a way that it would also understand your grandma. At least if she has a computer and knows that Google is not a vacuum cleaner. Making WordPress safe is not witchcraft. In the following, I’ll explain exactly that to you – the essential points that really matter.

There Are Many Way to Protect Your Word Press Website

At the same time, I will also clean up with all the rumors surrounding WordPress security in the blogosp here. Many recommendations are actually simply wrong or distract from the essential. And even the most popular WordPress security plugin Word fence harms almost more than it brings. I even fell for some half-truths that are spread on other blogs. But I will tell you more later …
Secure WordPress with updates
Regular updates provide the most effective protection against hackers
The most common WordPress security tips revolve around securing the login. But it’s just a fact that most attackers do not come through the front door. Just like most burglars in the real world, they prefer to get into a house where they can get in the most.
I will also recommend that you have to choose a secure password for your login. But the most important thing is that you regularly update all plugins, themes and the WordPress Core and keep it up to date.
To do this, go to DASHBOARD> UPDATES in the WordPress Admin Interface. There you can then update WordPress and all plugins and themes, if there is a newer version.
Before each update, you should definitely create a WordPress backup. Because if an error occurs during the update, you can reset everything so quickly and easily. Please do not skip this step! Because he can save you a lot of time and nerves under certain circumstances. Trust me on this one …
Update WordPress
So you can update WordPress with a few clicks.
Only use current plugins that are being further developed
If the development of a plugin has been discontinued, then no more vulnerabilities will be closed. Apart from that, problems with new WordPress versions can also occur if the developers keep a plugin out of date.
In the WordPress Dashboard, you can see all installed under PLUGINS. And by clicking on DETAILS you will see when the last update was published. If this is several months or even years ago, then disable and delete this plugin and look for an alternative.
The Same Applies of Course to The Theme You Use.
Delete Unnecessary Plugins And Themes
If you do not use a plugin or theme, delete it. And only install plugins that you really need. Less is clearly more here. Because every plugin means a certain security risk. Apart from that, every plugin also potentially increases the load time of your website. So just use what you really need.
To delete a theme that you do not use, simply click on the image of the superfluous design template under DESIGN> THEMES. Then you can click DELETE on the bottom right and remove the theme.
Plugins must be disabled first. Then the link to delete appears. If you do not really need a plugin, then avoid it. The performance of your website will thank you …
Choose a Secure Login Password
The Easiest Way to Make WordPress Safe
I already mentioned that most hackers do not come through the front door. Of course that does not mean that you should leave your front door open by using a default password for your login.
Please do not assume that your website is small and insignificant and therefore no hacker is interested in it anyway. Most attacks come from bot programs that automatically look for security holes. If you use too simple a password, they will visit you. And when they come in, they may even use your website to hack other WordPress sites. Or they will send spam emails to your website. On the internet you should close your door with a good lock. And you do that by using a password that is at least 11 characters long.
So You Change Your Password
Just click USER in the dashboard to see the users who are currently created. Then click on the username and at the bottom of the following page on GENERATE PASSWORD.
Increased security creates passwords that are not in any dictionary, as many characters as possible and also contain numbers or even special characters.
Change WordPress password
Under USER, you can generate a secure password with one click
The Myth With The Standard User Name
It is often recommended that the default username must be changed. This recommendation makes sense in theory, because if the username is unknown, then it is not possible to crack the login by trying all possible passwords.
But in practice, the user name can be read very easily in WordPress. So the change of the default user name does not offer any real protection. And there is a danger that someone will feel safe because he does not use a standard user name like “admin”.
How do I find a Secure Password That I Can Easily Remember?
Imagine a sentence that you can remember well.  Then you simply take the first letters of this sentence as your password and add a combination of numbers and a special character. The password from this example would be: “HidsTimL1968 #”.
It is also important that you do not use the same password everywhere on the Internet. Because if someone knows your password, they could log in anywhere on the Internet where you are registered. For example, if you sign up for a forum, the administrator of that forum can often access your password. If you use the same email address and password on Facebook or other services, they will already have access to your private information.
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